Illustration • Animation

Client: Fanta

Fanta: Beats to snack to

I was commissioned by Havas Atlanta to create a wacky fantastical tropical world for Fanta's new social media campaign - Beats to Snack to.

The idea is to celebrate international snacks and Fanta flavor pairings with a culturally themed backing track. This artwork features the Piña Colada flavor of Fanta paired with spicy savory Indian snacks. I took inspiration from the universal "snacking' gesture that we're all familiar with and combined it with elements and foods that are intrinsic to Indian culture to create a surrealistic tropical mouth-watering theme park of sorts.

With the video, the idea was to give a Fanta twist to the trending style of passive content consumption with LoFi YouTube videos that people can use to study/work or just space out to.


Bandcamp Weekly 2024: Round II


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